Tuesday, September 29

Study Essentials

I recently began my Freshman year at college, and have learned quite a few things in a short amount of time. The most important part of your academics is studying, so here are my study essentials!

1. Textbooks - lugging them around to the library and back to the dorms is really obnoxious, but it helps. You always have something to refer to if you have study questions that you can't answer yourself. 

2. Laptop - I write notes electronically and back them up on an 8 GB flashdrive. Electronic notes are quicker and easier than hand-writing notes I've found; its easier to jot down all the things your professor says when you're typing it rather than scrambling to keep neat notes and get the proper information. A laptop can also be used to find YouTube videos to aid your education, and so much more. Just don't get distracted!

3. Sweater - Its hard to study when you're too cold or too hot, its an unnecessary distraction. I bring layers to the library with me because I never know if the AC will be too much, or not enough.

4. Post-It Notes - these work well to mark pages, keep track of events in your planner, and write reminders in your textbook. Be sure to bring some along for the ride! 

5. Snacks - who wants to study when you're hungry? Not me! 

6. Colorful Pens - If you have a study guide from a professor or just are hand-writing your own notes/study guide, colorful pens enhance visual learning and absorption of information. I go so far as to even incorporate stickers into my studying process, as the combination helps me remember information and maintain organization.

7. Lip Balm - I love to have a lip balm on my desk while I'm studying in the library. I love to pamper myself and I enjoy taking a mini break to snack and hydrate my lips before getting back to study. It's just a little thing to make studying a more enjoyable time. 

8. Tea - I'm a tea person, but this applies to coffee as well. Any beverage works! Its a great idea to maintain your hydration during hours of study sessions.

9. Tumbler Cup - I love to bring my tea in a tumbler cup. I bought a huge one from Starbucks this summer, and I use it on a daily basis. Its an easy way to transport beverages to classes and to the library. 

10. Hand Sanitizer - Maybe I'm just spazzy, but so many people go and use the library that sometimes I need to bring hand sanitizer along to make myself feel better. Its so easy to get sick in college - gotta combat that in every way we can!

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